Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Rule by Secrecy

Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs.

My take on this is Power, Money and History. After reading this book I wondered who the Nephilim were as referenced in the book of Genesis. And who were the Sumerians who were not mentioned at all in the Bible?

After a little searching I came upon this wonderful place that has offered hours of education and entertainment. www.halexandria.org/

I think you'll have to go and see for yourself. It's good exercise to hike through the site and stretch one's mind. Whether these views provide a peek into alternate realities depends a lot on how you got to where you are now.

Bushisms, a collection

At this point I don't care who said these things.
They're just funny.

Deep Thought Generator



Think you've seen all the odd bits of humor that floats across the web?

Check out Mental Soup. HERE

Tuesday, September 13, 2005


To be resolute in the Way means
from the beginning never to
lose sight of it, whether in a
place of calm or in a place of strife;
to not cling to quiet places nor
shun places where there is disturbance.

= = = = = = = = = = =

Hmmm .... lost the author name ......

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Triumph of Evil

"Today, America is confronting another disaster that has caused destruction and loss of life. This time the devastation resulted not from the malice of evil men, but from the fury of water and wind," President George W Bush said. Radio Address 9/10/05

“All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing”
(Edmund Burke).

Good, as in good men, is a relative term of course. The water and wind certainly played their part, but the malice of evil men was in doing nothing.
Fixing the levees for instance.

9-11 Jazz Funeral

New Orleans in Manhattan

Bill Moyers 9/9/05

Good reading. Fundamentalist futures. Long, but worth it.

Friday, September 09, 2005

Cajun Creole

And in the ongoing spirit on New Orleans
here's some good eats. A Confederacy of Lunches - on Slate

This was worth saying twice.

Revolution of evolution

I hate sending those time sensitive, good luck, email things.
Do this, that, and the other in the next five minutes, or else.
Sometimes I break down and do it anyway. I hate myself for that.*

However, maybe 'we' could learn to send wishes that were not dependent on the recipient actually doing anything. Hmmmmm ......

I wish you good luck and good livin' and it ain't time sensitive.

And in the ongoing spirit on New Orleans
here's some good eats. A Confederacy of Lunches - on Slate

* Not really.

NOLA slideshow

Downtown and the French Quarter, before, during and after. Eerie.
I wish we have made more of a point to get down there before this.

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Waters Rise - Polls Drop

Do we need to expand on that idea?

Monday, September 05, 2005

Saturday, September 03, 2005

Katrina Google Maps Bulletin Board

this technology


Friday, September 02, 2005

No intelligent design here

Worse than a failure of imagination in anticipating the breadth and depth of destruction and need for coordinated and adequate response in New Orleans, there is another failure to gather and analyze the intelligence.

The people reporting from the ground have been ignored for years. No matter the hopes we have for intelligent design doing things our way, the natural order, or evolution kicks in and sometimes shit happens.

Four Leaf Clover

If you need a little time to space, try this.

Gas Shortage?

Here in the Milwaukee Chicago area we have one of the many specialty ethanol fuel blends across the USA. There was a shortage recently and I do not remember when at the moment. (There are too many links to follow or my search parameters are too broad. I'll figure it out.)

However, I'd like to think that during this Katrina Krunch, we will be able to use the most commonly available blend rather than go without.

To tell people of an impending shortage will cause panic, hoarding, shooting, stealing, nearly everything we are seeing at ground zero can easily happen here.

Or will they wait and surprise us with an outage?

Who will oversee this? Does it take the mayor of Milwaukee? The Governor of Wisconsin? Does the President Himself have to step in an approve the sale of that nasty old-style fuel?

It's just weird that the he tells us not to buy gas we don't need. On a holiday weekend. What do you mean gas we don't need? Who buys gas they don't need?

Well, this starts to get into the area where actual thinking is required.


Another Failure of Imagination

Looks like preparations for the National New Orleans disaster is
another failure of imagination. The word another is a reference to 911,
9/11, 9-11, September 11th, or however we write it.

The hurricane - Ponchartrain - NOLA disaster has been in my
imagination since I visited relatives there twenty five years ago.

Some will blame insufficient Federal budget resources particularly by
the current administration. The research into the truth of that is
something most of us will not do. And facts aren't much good anyway
when we've already got our minds made up.


Horse's Mouth

Here is the RSS link to the White House. There are several feeds. There are the feeds from other government agencies, as well. Might as well get it from the horse's mouth.
