Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Your Hard Drive Will Fail

This just in from GLi ....

the drive went out to Gillware Inc in Madison yesterday 1300 - 1600
buckaroos to get the data off and of course had to buy another drive
to put it on (200) plus 50 to ship the dead one - Lesson: Assume all
hard drives WILL fail.
Develop a very regular back up strategy.
Assume that the backup strategy has more importance and higher
priority than the work itself.

Of course I thought I knew that and had a good strategy.
But my strategy failed for the most recent (important active files)
I attribute the strategy failure to my being more involved in the
work than the backups.

Hear my loud voice - YOUR HARD DRIVES WILL FAIL

Back up often

All the recent electrical storms required many power-downs. Many (too
many) occurred during normally scheduled backups. When I powered up
to get back to work the backup program would tell me that I needed to
readjust things; but "I" had to get right to work figuring that the
next scheduled back up would catch it all up.

Learn from my hard won lessons.

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